Thursday, October 8, 2009
Rainy Days and Crocheting
Just some thoughts about rainy days and having time to sit and just crochet - I get lost in it. I'm always fascinated watching how different types of yarn look when twisted into different stitches. Just lately I've been working on "Mrs. Weasley" Sweaters, styled after a sweater worn by the character, Mrs. Weasley in the second Harry Potter movie, The Chamber of Secrets. The sleeves in the sweater are made from a conglomeration of colors and stitches. Well, suffice it to say, I've sold two already and am making more. Anyone who loves crochet will love these sweaters and they're fun to make. Watching the stitches flow, the colors and textures come together is like painting a picture, or molding a sculpture - it "feels" right. So on these rainy weekends, you'll find me in my room at home, peaceful with a cup of hot tea, crocheting one of these sweaters, happy with just me and my hook and yarns.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Crocheted Blinds for Windows

Back in 1992, I decided to make a blind for our front door. It had four double sided panes of glass so I designed a blind to fit the door. The house we lived in then was built in 1907, neat little two story house with dormer windows, front porch complete with an oak porch swing, just outside Cincinnati, Ohio. When we moved back to North Carolina a couple years later, I took down the blind and brought it with us. (I left some crocheted curtains in the bathroom I wish now I had brought with us as well). I crocheted a Tree of Life Blind for a
front window in the house we live in now and re-formatted the blind from the old house for another window.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Over the many years I've been crocheting, walking into a yarn shop or finding a new, beautiful yarn has been like a tonic to me. I get ideas in my head of how I'm going to use the yarn, the textures, the colors, the feel of the yarn next to my skin - it's intoxicating. Now I have about three rooms upstairs full of yarns, some of which I've had for over twenty years. Well, my daughter has blessed me with a gorgeous grand-daughter and we need room for little ones to play. So - I'm destashing. I never dreamed it would be so hard to let go of some of my yarns, but I'll be posting them in my etsy shop ( ) in the next few days. Just posted two that are just beautiful and I've definitely priced them to sell. So someone else, put on your dreaming caps and think of how you want to use these yarns.
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